Garden: Чайная плантация Рохини
Тип чая: Чай Улун первого сбора
Сезон сбора: первый сбор
Тип сбора: 100% мелколистный, в основном состоит из двух листьев и почки.
Температура: 15°C – 30°C
Invoice no.: RTE-39/24
Date of picking: March 2024
Сорт: FTGFOP1 Медовый улун
Высота над уровнем моря: 1500-3000 футов
Ферментация: Достаточное окисление вручную
Специальность: Чтобы улучшить вкус чая, мы несколько раз окислили его вручную, чтобы достичь желаемого уровня окисления.
Gopaldhara Honey Oolong Tea | First Flush Harvest From Rohini Tea Estate | Royal Series (RTE-39)
$6.46 / жестяная банка 25 г
Редкий первый смыв honey flavored oolong tea made from the best quality 144 clones, which has very finely plucked whole leaves with silvery buds. The teas are mildly oxidized and delicately processed to induce minimal damage. All oxidation done is overnight and natural with nothing being induced vigorously. It has a traditional spring character & tantalizing sweet aroma with a finish of honey. The tea has a delightful & distinct aftertaste with zero astringencies which leaves behind a very memorable experience.
The tea bushes are grown and harvested at an высота between 1500-3000 feet. The bushes are fresh as they have just come out of an extended period of the remaining inactive cause of the prolonged winters of almost about 3 months from the month of November to January. The low temperature experienced during winter has given a very well-defined character to this first flush oolong tea.