Bai Mu Dan White Peony | Gopaldhara Tea Estate, Darjeeling

bai mu dan white peony

This rare and delicate Darjeeling Bai Mu Dan White Peony is an exotic White Tea from Rohini Tea Estate. This tea is made during the first flush season when the buds and leaves are the youngest. These young buds and leaves are needed to produce this beautiful white tea. They are treated with great care after harvest to preserve the fine white hair present on the leaves. One of the biggest challenges in harvesting and processing this tea is time, energy, and skill. This reduces the production of small batches which leads to the process becoming expensive. And this is why it can be difficult to scale up production to meet market demand. Instead of rolling and oxidizing, this tea is sun-dried in a controlled method that preserves its unforgettable smooth, creamy, and fruity texture.

This Bai Mu Dan White Peony has picturesque dry leaves are greenish-grey with lots of silvery tips that brew into a pale yellow-green coloured liquor. A hint of honey and notes of wildflowers can also be felt in this tea. When it comes to health benefits this tea has maximum antioxidant content and the lowest amount of caffeine content in it, which makes it healthier. It is also packed with polyphenols that act as antioxidants and protect our body from oxidative damage.

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