Gopaldhara ドライ ピュア カモミールの花 – ハーブティー – プレミアム シリーズ

$4.81 / 125g紙箱入り

These are dried and pure Chamomile Flower Tea which are dried under the supervision of experts. Herbal Tea Chamomile is renowned for its medicinal properties and beauty benefits. It is basically an herb that originates from a blooming plant in the daisy gang. This Chamomile flower tea is golden in colour and has a delectable, fruity flavour. You can brew these dried flowers alone and also with our pure Darjeeling Teas according to your taste and preference. The richness and healthy ness of pure Darjeeling teas will make the blend more affective for your health.

Generally people use this flower for health-related concerns such as intestinal and stomach disorders, sleep disorders, anxiety, insomnia, mouth ulcers. It has amazing healing, antioxidant, cleansing, and moisturizing properties and is considered an effective remedy for skincare.

Gopaldhara ドライ ピュア カモミールの花 – ハーブティー – プレミアム シリーズ
これ Gopaldhara ドライ ピュア カモミールの花 - ハーブティー - プレミアム シリーズ あなただけのものになれる $4.81