Avongrove (RTE-06) Darjeeling Organic Green Tea – Master Series

$5.29 / 25 gms paper box

Discover the exquisite essence of Darjeeling Organic Green Tea, meticulously crafted from handpicked leaves sourced from the lush Avongrove Tea Estate. Cultivated using organic farming methods in the picturesque hills of Darjeeling, these leaves flourish after the chill of winter, promising a tea of unrivalled quality. Carefully plucked and expertly processed, the well-rolled, greenish leaves with abundant tips brew into vibrant greenish-yellow liquor. This Darjeeling Organic Green Tea delight in the sweet aroma and steamed raw fragrance with subtle undertones of roasted pine. The taste is a delightful balance of sweetness and subtle astringency, with nuanced vegetal and grassy undertones, ensuring a captivating experience with every sip.

Avongrove garden spread across two hills at the foot of the Himalayas, among tea bushes and dense forest in the valleys, overlooking the Balasun River. The estate is certified organic under US Department of Agriculture (USA), Japanese Agricultural Standards (Japan) and National Programme for Organic Production (India & the EU). It is also Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) certified by ISACert B.V., the Netherlands for food safety standards.

For domestic shipping please visit gopaldharaindia.com

darjeeling organic green tea
Avongrove (RTE-06) Darjeeling Organic Green Tea – Master Series
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