Gopaldhara Enigma Honey Muscatel – Second Flush 2023

$6.05 / 125 克锡盒

This is a precious 第二次冲洗 muscatel black tea from Gopaldhara Tea Estate. The tea is made from AV2 bushes, one of the most flavorful cultivars of Darjeeling. The dry leaves are brownish with a few golden tips. The tea brews into a rich orange liquor, having a very strong aroma and muscatel flavor. It has a prominent honey-like sweetness which AV2 teas are famous for. It brews into a very smooth and clean cup without any harshness. It has a long-lasting aftertaste that is associated with fine Darjeeling teas.

Gopaldhara Enigma Honey Muscatel – Second Flush 2023
Gopaldhara Enigma Honey Muscatel - Second Flush 2023 可以只属于你 $6.05