



Our approach to a new style of tea making stands apart by emphasizing the preservation of leaf integrity. Unlike conventional methods that often result in broken leaves and harsh notes, our new style of tea making involves oxidizing and delicately rolling the tea leaves. Traditional Darjeeling tea makers commonly use rollers measuring 36 or 48 inches. These rollers are equipped with a step-down plate that aids in breaking the tea leaves and initiating the oxidation process. Consequently, when prepared using this method, the dry leaves undergo a reduction in size. Furthermore, this process significantly influences the flavour profile of the tea, resulting in most of them being categorized as black teas.

另一方面,我们采用直径较小的 22 英寸中国滚筒。这种特殊的滚筒设计有滚动凹槽,有利于圆周运动,使叶子可以滚动而不会发生破损或氧化。因此,我们的方法生产出全叶茶,保留了其完整性和特性。此外,这种细致的过程,让人想起乌龙茶的制作,确保对茶叶的损害最小。通过保留茶叶结构,茶叶可以充分表达其风味和香气,提供光滑精致的品质,令人愉悦的感官。此外,它将确保茶叶保留其天然香气。每杯茶散发出的迷人香气证明了他们对品质坚定不移的奉献精神。

自 1881 年以来的卓越传承:

Gopaldhara & Rohini Tea Estate’s relentless pursuit of perfection is deeply rooted in a legacy of excellence since 1881. Drawing from centuries of tea-making traditions in Darjeeling, we combine time-honoured techniques with innovative methods to create teas that reflect the region’s unique terroir. Each cup is a testament to their unwavering commitment to producing exceptional Darjeeling teas that captivate tea enthusiasts worldwide.

大吉岭茶园 1900



研究表明,随着海拔的升高,生长速度会下降,导致海拔较高的地区产量较低。我们的 Gopaldhara 茶园位于大吉岭区的 Mirik 山,大部分茶区种植在海拔 5,500 英尺至 7,000 英尺之间,使其成为该地区海拔最高的茶园之一。种植优质AV2、312茶,出产珍稀精品茶。如果其他环境因素(例如种植材料和土壤)保持不变,高海拔地区的生长速度较慢,可以让茶树有更多的时间来形成更复杂的风味。由于海拔高度影响茶的风味,戈帕尔达拉生产的茶味道浓郁。

发现 Rohini 茶园隐藏的卓越瑰宝:

在大吉岭最年轻的茶园罗希尼茶园,我们作为令人垂涎的初红茶的著名生产商,在该地区拥有独特的地位。其独特的海拔、有利的天气条件以及 157 个克隆品种的种植促成了这一殊荣。我们有 4 公顷的土地专门用于种植 157 无性系,该无性系以其早期冲洗特性而闻名,我们早在 1 月 16 日就开始采摘。与其他克隆变体相比,这使我们领先一到两个月,使我们能够在大吉岭提供最早、最新鲜的初冲茶。
