Gopaldhara Special Autumn Teas Taster Boxes – 2023

$9.63 / 90gmsコンボ9サンプルパウチ


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選りすぐりのお茶をご紹介しました テイスターボックス consisting of 6 different types of finest Darjeeling オータムフラッシュティー from Gopaldhara Tea Estate that varies in texture, aroma, and flavors. This is a great way to explore different types of white teas from the usual daily favorites, perhaps even find a new favorite.

このテイスター ボックス コンボは、友人や家族とシェアするのに最適です。お茶好きの方へのプレゼントにも最適です。


  1. レッドサンダー  – ゴパルダラの標高が高く、夜は0度に達する極寒の気候条件が、熟した果実の特別で複雑な風味をお茶にもたらします。お茶は、非常に豊かな特徴と完全に丸みを帯びた濃厚なフルーティーな風味を持つ明るいオレンジ色のカップに淹れられます.後味は非常にすっきりと甘く、ハニーの余韻が際立ちます。
  2. レッドサンダー – これは、つや消しの葉から作られた最高級の秋のフラッシュ ダージリン ティーの 1 つです。この最高級の秋のフラッシュ ティーは、クローナル ブッシュから作られ、豊富な先端を持つ黒みがかった赤に見えます。標高の高い極寒の気候条件は、海に特別で複雑な風味をもたらします。お茶は十分に酸化されていますが、それでも顕著なフルーティーな風味が得られます.
  3. 秋の露 – This is a delightful Darjeeling autumn tea from the highest elevated garden of Darjeeling. The appearance of the tea is brownish-black leaves with few tips. It brews into a bright orange cup having excellent muscatel notes. The tea has a sweet flavor with a taste of dense ripe fruits but without any astringency. The aftertaste is well-defined, long-lasting & captivating.
  4. Darjeeling Moonshine – The texture is very citrus & herbaceous. You can easily feel the prominent fruity & umami flavour with the notes of olive & apricot.
  5. Premium Autumn Flush – The dry leaves appear to be greenish-black in color which brews into a mixed infusion and fully transparent orange liquor. It has a prominent & robust Autumnal character with a sweet Muscatel finish which makes it an excellent tea.
  6. Classic Autumn – The tea is made from the old bushes and has a greenish-black appearance. The dry leaves appear to be greenish-black in color which brews into a mixed infusion and fully transparent orange liquor. It has a prominent & robust Autumnal character with a silky smooth flavor with a sweet finish which makes it an excellent tea.
  7. 花の秋ウーロン – It has fine blackish-green leaves which brew into a yellow cup. The tea has a little sweet flowery cup and fresh high mountain flavour with some pleasing astringency.
  8. Winter Mystic – It has a prominent honey finish with fruity notes of honey, plum, and raisins. The sweetness has a very prominent earl grey finish. Tea does not get rarer than this at Gopaldhara in autumn. The flavour is mouth full, well-rounded, and smooth without any harsh tones.
  9. 冬のルビー – The tea leaves are blackish-red with lots of tips that brew into a bright coppery infusion and fully transparent orange liquor. The tea has an exquisite clonal flavor with a prominent Autumnal Muscatel character.
Gopaldhara Special Autumn Teas Taster Boxes – 2023
これ Gopaldhara Special Autumn Teas Taster Boxes - 2023 あなただけのものになれる $9.63