
$6.18 / 50 gms コンボ 5 テイスター ボックス


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We have introduced a collection of Green Tea テイスターボックス consisting of 6 different types of fresh and healthy Darjeeling green teas that vary in texture, aroma, and flavors. This is a great way to explore different Darjeeling Green Teas from the usual daily favorites, perhaps even find a new favorite.

Healthy Darjeeling Green Teas in this Collection:

  1. 希少な春の緑茶 – This type of unique Green Tea can be made only in the season of spring which has the freshness of first flush teas. The bushes are covered with thick natural shades which help the leaves to retain chlorophyll and give it a unique taste. The tea has been specially made from special green tea clones which have less tannin content in them. The tea has dark green color whole leaves that give a rich, exquisite, smooth, vegetal, and umami flavor with a hint of pine leaves. The tea has no astringency and a lingering sweet aftertaste.
  2. Vintage Green Tea – It is the finest Darjeeling green tea, made by special green tea clones that have negligible tannin content of them. The perfectly plucked & processed leaves are olive green and brew into a light smooth mellow green cup. The flavor has the richness of floral with a sharp typical nose of non-fermented green teas but without any hint of bitterness.
  3. Summer Green Wonder The tea has been specially made from special green tea clones that have less tannin content in them. In Rohini Tea Estate the bushes are covered with thick natural shades that help the leaves to retain chlorophyll and give it a unique taste. The dry whole leaves have a dark green appearance and the cup has a rich exquisite smooth flavor with the taste of pine leaves and boiled beans. The tea has no astringency and a lingering sweet aftertaste. This is one of the best green tea we made in the summer flush season.
  4. グリーンゴールド – This is produced from the high-quality green tea clones which have less tannin content than the usual Darjeeling green tea clones. Unlike the regular green tea, they hardly taste bitter and have a nice pleasing green tea pine flavor.
  5. Spring Sencha Green – This Japanese style 緑茶 is produced during the spring season from high-quality green tea clones. Plucked from the highest elevated peaks of the Gopaldhara Tea Estate, the finely plucked leaves have less tannin which makes the tea less bitter.
これ 緑茶テイスターボックス あなただけのものになれる $6.18