Rohini Oriental Summer Oolong (RTE-31) Second Flush 2023 – Royal Series

$7.84 / 50 gms paper box

Introducing an exquisite and rare second flush oolong tea cultivated at the esteemed Rohini Tea Estate, made with high-quality AV2 clones. This particular tea is a testament to the unique characteristics found in the Darjeeling region during the captivating month of May.
During this time, the low to mid-elevations experience a fascinating transformation. The growth of the tea leaves slows down significantly, while the weather becomes dry with minimal rainfall. The favourable conditions include pleasant temperatures and low humidity. However, this period also attracts greenfly, resulting in stunted growth. Paradoxically, this combination of factors creates the perfect environment for crafting exceptional oolong teas. The narrow timeframe to produce such teas further adds to their exclusivity.
Delighting the senses, this second flush oolong offers a plethora of fruity notes and a rich, full-bodied flavour profile. Its complexity unfolds as each sip reveals a symphony of delightful tastes. The infusion carries a heightened aroma, leaving a lasting impression. Notably, this tea imparts a gentle sweetness reminiscent of rosy honey, adding a touch of floral elegance to the overall experience. Moreover, the versatility of this tea shines through as it can be brewed multiple times, allowing you to savour its flavours over and over again.
best second flush
Rohini Oriental Summer Oolong (RTE-31) Second Flush 2023 – Royal Series
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This Rohini Oriental Summer Oolong (RTE-31) Second Flush 2023 - Royal Series can be yours for only $7.84