Gopaldhara (RTD-25) Hand Rolled Spring Treasure Silver Tips – Rare First Flush 2023 – Master Series

Retail price: $11.67 / 25 gms paper box
Offer price: $9.33 / 25 gms paper box

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This tea is a result of a year of research and hard work and is a completely new style of Darjeeling. It has a very fruity fragrance and aroma without anybody. The AV2 buds have a tinge of a golden hue to them. It is the rarest of rarest teas from Darjeeling. It has a taste of a refreshing lively cup with a refined fruity flavour topped off with the finish of natural honey and peaches and wildflowers. The tea is very smooth to drink without any astringency and can be brewed multiple times.

The top elevation of Gopaldhara Tea Estates which stretches from 5500 to 7000 FT is planted with the best quality clone. Also, the bushes are fresh as they have just come out of hibernation from the prolonged winter of almost 4 months from December to March. During the first flush which is also known as spring flush we have 100% growing shoots and get excellent buds with either a single leaf or two leaves and a bud. The flavour is prominent as the weather is also very dry and cool which ensures very slow growth.

The workers are very careful in their plucking to make sure only the best shoots with prominent buds are plucked. The Plucking is of such fine quality that the tea only needs to be hand sorted and the machines used to make the tea are very rare. This tea undergoes natural oxidation during the manufacturing process and as such, there is no induced oxidation for this tea. It is a true delight and one of our First Flush Darjeeling Tea.

darjeeling hand crafted tea
Gopaldhara (RTD-25) Hand Rolled Spring Treasure Silver Tips – Rare First Flush 2023 – Master Series
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This Gopaldhara (RTD-25) Hand Rolled Spring Treasure Silver Tips - Rare First Flush 2023 - Master Series can be yours for only $9.33